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Granular Authorization

Set granular roles and permissions, enabling precise control over resources and sensitive data. Ensure the principle of least privilege is maintained across the organization.
The Principle of Least Privilege was introduced to condense the attack surface and reduce the cost of accidental human errors. However, the cloud IAMs do not support configuring privileges in infrastructure resources like databases, VMs, K8s clusters etc. Engineering teams have to configure roles and privileges at the resource level, which becomes complex to manage at scale. This complicates implementing the Principle of Least Privilege leading organizations to go back to managing users at the IAM level in an all-or-nothing privilege framework.
    Breaches were due to elevated privileges
    Security failures result from inadequate management of identities, access, and privileges
Granular authorizations that power the Principle of Least Privilege
Create, assign and manage fine-grained control of privileges using the native syntax of the downstream resource i.e. Grants for SQL and Roles for Kubernetes. Restrict access to specific tables with sensitive information, restrict access to an individual resource in a Kubernetes cluster or restrict specific commands in a virtual machine - all in a single platform.
Resource Native Syntax
Create, assign, and manage authorization privileges by utilizing the native syntax of the downstream resource, such as Grants for SQL and Roles for Kubernetes.
Granular Privileges
Establish basic privileges, such as Read and Read/Write, all the way down to granular privileges, including access to specific tables within databases or limiting the execution of specific commands in a virtual machine.
Library of Prebuilt Authorizations
Unlock developer efficiency with our extensive library of prebuilt authorizations.
Enterprise Grade
Granular Authorization
Agentless Architecture
Zero Network Reconfiguration
Deploy in Cloud or On-Prem